Wearable Planter

Jewelry and Accessories for Green Thumbs

Wearable Planter at Have You Met Charlie

Announcementscolleen jordanComment

Good news for our Australian friends! We're excited to announce that we have a new stockist, Have You Met Charlie, carrying our planters in Adelaide, South Australia. 

Lauren at Have you Met Charlie says: "Charlie is run by 2 local Adelaide designer/makers Lauren/Mintcloud and Bec/Coloured Pears. Charlie mainly sources local designer/makers but look outside locals to source a few unique pieces such as the wonderful Wearable Planters. We strive to be the 'go to' gift destination."

If you're in Adelaide and you want to visit their adorable store in person, they're open every week from Wednesday to Saturday. You can find more information about their store on their website and on facebook.

Things We Love: 3D Printed Desktop Gardening Tools

Just for Fun, DIYcolleen jordan1 Comment

Some things just make me smile when I see them, and these desktop gardening tools from Trisha Bell just make me so happy to see! The small tools snap onto the top of a standard pencil, and they're ready for you to tend to your bonsai tree or desktop zen garden. If you want to make your own, you can download them to 3D print from her Thingiverse page.

Trisha Bell is also a collaborator for Oscar Eastwood, and will be displaying her gardening tools and other 3D printed objects at Atlanta Maker Faire.

Hello Fall! Autumn flower choices for your bike planter

colleen jordanComment

Fall weather is finally here, and with the changing of the seasons I get excited about Halloween and pumpkin bread and how the colors of the landscape change as we get closer to winter.  With the changing of the landscape outside, I wanted to explore some of the plants and flowers than can be found when the weather starts getting cooler. There's plants and flowers that can be found in all seasons, not just spring and summer, and I wanted to explore some of these possibilities and learn about new plants to keep my planters colorful year-round.

For the mint handlebar bike planters, I picked flowers that are available at this time of year and complemented the color of the planters. I liked the pairing of the colors of these daisies, and the spider mums have such a fun shape that they brought a lot of visual appeal. I was able to also find some pink flowers, the Autumn Joy sedum, that went with the pink handlebars of my bike.

For this round of fall planting picks, I chose some flowers that are easy to find this time of year and are seasonal in color. The daisies and spider mum were found in the "I like you" bouquet from Trader Joe's, which cost $3.99. I found a single stem of the Autumn Joy Sedum from the Candler Park Flower Mart for $1.25. Sedum can be also found in the fall in bouquets and at florists shops.

Wearable Planter at Atlanta Maker Faire

colleen jordanComment
Maker Faire Atlanta

Maker Faire Atlanta

Mark your calendars! Wearable Planter will be at Atlanta's first Maker Faire!

If you've read our blog before, you'll know that we're really big fans of Maker Faire! We've displayed at the first three Atlanta Mini Maker Faires, and at World Maker Faire in New York, too. Atlanta Mini Maker Faire has grown and grown, and now is big enough to be a real large official Maker Faire, and we're really excited to be part of it.

This year we're changing up what we'll do for the faire. Since the crowd will be bigger, we want the opportunity to show off more our making skills. We're collaborating with our friends at Oscar Eastwood to bring to you workshops about sewing your own wearable circuits and making your own homemade letterpress. Our planters will be available there, and we'll also be leading a workshop about how to make seed bombs.

Atlanta Maker Faire will be held October 4th and 5th in downtown Decatur. You can learn more about the event on their website.