Wearable Planter

Jewelry and Accessories for Green Thumbs

(Very) Last Minute Gifts for Makers

colleen jordanComment

Did you procrastinate on buying gifts for your family and friends? That's okay, I did, too! Our deadline to ship in time for Christmas has passed, but we've got you covered if you have access to a 3D printer (or are getting or giving one this season)!

This Monday, a few days before Christmas, I checked out the local makerspace in my mom's town. Her town of Ridegewood, NJ, is incredibly lucky to have a 3D printer for residents to use. If you're the last minute kind of maker, we've added a bike planter for you to print to our thingiverse page. The files are free for anyone to use!

We discovered on previous prototypes that the type of clip we use on our regular bike planters doesn't print well on home printers like MakerBots, so you'll need a cable tie or colorful ribbon to attach this vase to your bike. 


If jewelry is more your style, you can also find one of our necklaces there to print, too. To print these files, use your 3D printer or one you have access to at your local makerspace. Add some small cut flowers, or follow our instructions to plant small succulents, and you've got a great handmade gift for the green thumb or nature lover in your life!