Wearable Planter

Jewelry and Accessories for Green Thumbs


Just for Funcolleen jordanComment

Last month I got the chance to travel to Chicago. I always associated the city with cold and snow, and I never imagined that the city could be so beautiful in the summer. Since the weather was so beautiful during my stay, a little bit of adventuring was in order to see what the city had to offer. The Lincoln Park Conservatory was a short walk away from my hotel, so a visit there was definitely in my travel plans.

Botanical Gardens are one of my favorite things to visit in any city. It's fun to step into a different climate and see flora you wouldn't normally see. Even though the weather outside was beautiful, it's still fun to step inside the greenhouses and explore something new.

The Chicago Conservatory isn't very large, but they have enough of a selection to imagine you've travelled to a tropical destination. Also, since the Conservatory is a public park, its free to visit which makes the trip that much better.